01 October 2005

caveman night in stephenville...wow...

so tonight we had our first B.A.R.F. event (bring a real friend) it is our evangelism program with our students. we host events that are fun and low key for our students to invite their non-churched friends.

tonight was caveman night- i try to have a theme each time we get together...for the fun factor..so we asked and encouraged all the youth to dress up in caveman stylin' clothes...(some did some didn't)...and get ready for a great night. we had cave painting contests (they had to do bible stories in cave art...pretty funny really)...we ahd food...oh my did we have food! ....and we had a little screening of encino man. since it came out in 1992 many of the kids han't seen it. it was a great night full of laughter and fun.....but more then that it was a glimpse into what can be.....you see i haven't been here all that long....this is our first event like this...and the kids get it....i mean they get it....they want to be here...they want to bring their friends...not just for the fun.....but to be together as a crew...a family of believers and seekers....it was a GREAT night....thanks Jesus for the love and hope...and thanks pauly shore for one wicked mellon thump of a story du-ed...yeah bu--dy

ahh with that...i am climbing in bed for some well needed and well earned zzzzz's......

praise Him who loves us as we are!

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