05 May 2006

Flat Stanley Visits Texas!

so yesterday in the mail i recieved a small package from a friend of mine in florida. i was a bit confused at first because it was her bday this week and if anything i should be sending her stuff.
so i get in my car to head to the office and in typical fashion i open my mail as i am driving down the road- YES I KNOW THIS IS NOT THE SAFEST THING TO DO!- so i pop open the package and out slides flat stanely- woo hoo i have company :-) haahaha.
to be honest i am excited about flat stanley- i love to help kids out with projects and how fun is this anyway. so yesterday flat stanely came with me to the high school for the yearly talent show. some of my students were taking part so it was even more fun. well at the close of the event one of the bands (with some of my students) played people out of the area- and flat stanely got to be part of the band for this number. here flat stanley plays the guitar with Maleko- Rock on Dude!